Posted in Dinner with friends, Red Wines, White Wines, Wine & Food Pairings

DIY… yes …really !

It seems crazy to think we are already into the fourth week of the new year… so it seems a little late in the day to wish you all a Happy New Year, but I do, so I will.. Happy New Year and I hope that 2019 is filled with much laughter and smiles for you all.

We started the year at Mark and Lindas, just six of us, so a bit more of a dinner party… well, I say, dinner party, that’s where you expect to tip up punctually ready for an evening all prepared for you… lets say this was a little different, more Do It Yourself, not bring your own pizza but we DID have to cook our own food !!!

..And clean the house !


With pre-dinner drinks there was ‘entertainment’ in the lounge…

We are an easily amused group, we started off with the guys trying on a rather fetching brown jacket, a Christmas present, worn by each, in his ‘own’ style but who did the jacket actually belong too ?


Searching for a new idea for the wine club (we’ve been there and done it all, round the world and back)… Linda and Mark found their fancy griddle plate, so along the lines of  fondue evening but on a griddle, it probably has some fancy pants name but none of us could think of it..

cook your own

A good choice of fish meat and vegetables had been prepared, so all we had to do was cook it, there are also tiny pans on the bottom layer where we cooked our mash and pasta topped with cheese.. it was all very yummy and quite a laugh.. not sure that the DIY cooking will catch on at all the forthcoming wine clubs, can’t quite picture Terry letting us all loose in his kitchen…horrified

The food was enjoyed with a selection of French Wines, I am pleased to say I DID guess all the grapes correctly, I even spotted the Merlot among them (I dislike Merlot with a passion) however this one was ok, turned out to be a JP Chenet much to Marks amusement.. I think it was OK because the Chenet wines are quite vague in flavour to appeal to the masses. The wines were £15 each apart form the Chenet coming in at £6.

the wines

The meal was followed by dessert and a rather tasty homemade Victoria Sponge.

victoria sponge

We had a really good time catching up and Jacqui did well surviving the evening with a terrible cold.. she stayed ‘quarantined’ in the corner for the evening.

the crowd

Goodbye from us all.

Time to stick a cork in it.

Bye S x


I love nothing better than getting together with friends and having a laugh. I also enjoy being outside as much as possible and going on really long walks. We are currently walking Canterbury to Rome, in stages due to work getting in the way !

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